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Showing posts from November, 2022

Snapshot Debugging in Business Central

Introduction:   In this blog, I would like to discuss Snapshot Debugging in Business Central. Also, I will be sharing my views on where exactly is snapshot debugging useful and how to use it efficiently. Pre-requisites:  Basic understanding of Debugging Books & References:  Snapshot Debugging Demonstration:  You need to create a snapshot debugger then you will need to initialize the debugging session, record the snapshots and then run the debugging on the snapshot that is downloaded. Lets see each in detail below - 1. Setup the Snapshot Configuration: Once you create a Project, you can create a Snapshot configuration in launch.json file. {     "version" : "0.2.0" ,     "configurations" : [         {             "name" : "Sandbox" ,             "request" : "launch" ,             "type" : "al" ,             ...

AL Profiler in Business Central

Introduction:   In this blog, I would like to discuss the AL Profiler. Also, I will be sharing my views on how the AL profiler relates to the Performance Profiler. Pre-requisites:  Basic understanding of Profiler Books & References:  Performance Profiler Snapshot Debugging Demonstration:  In order to get the AL Profiler up and running there are a few steps on very high level. You need to create a snapshot debugger  then you will need to initialize the debugging session, record the snapshots and then generate the profiler file. Lets see each in detail below - 1. Setup the Snapshot Configuration: Once you create a Project, you can create a Snapshot configuration in launch.json file. {     "version" : "0.2.0" ,     "configurations" : [         {             "name" : "Sandbox" ,             "request" : "launch" ,             "type" : ...

Performance Profiler in Business Central

Introduction:  In this blog, I will be sharing the details of the Performance Profiler in Business Central. Performance Profiler is a performance reporting tool that can be used to get an understanding of the performance.  Pre-requisites:  VS Code Business Central Environment Books & References:  Performance Profiler Overview Demonstration:  1. Start Performance Profiler: Search for Performance Profiler in Tell me Search in Business Central. Once the Performance Profiler page opens, you can hit the start button.   Once you hit the start button, you can now go ahead and run the process that you want to analyze for Performance. Open the process through the search directly on top of the Performance Profiler page. 2. Stop the Performance Profiler: Once you have run through the process, you can just hit the Stop button and you will get the performance report dashboard. 3. Open Performance Profiler in VS Code: You can also download the Performance Profiler fi...

SignUp for Office 365 without adding Payment Method.

Introduction:  A few days back I was setting up an Office 365 trial for one of my clients. Turns out that recently Microsoft introduced Office trial signup with Credit Card. You cannot directly signup for a trial without Credit Card as confirmed by the post below from Microsoft Community. Pre-requisites:  Basic Understanding of the Office 365 Signup process. Books & References:  Link References Microsoft Community Office 365 E3 Trial Demonstration: 1. Sign up for  Office 365 E3 Trial : Once you have visited the Link, click and fill in your details for the signup. In the signup process, provide your email address. Click on Set up Account Fill in the Sign-Up Details Verify the Sign-Up details Create your Username and Password for Office 365 Tenant At this point, Office 365 account is created and will ask you to put your Payment Method as Credit Card even to Signup. Hence, I was stuck here and I wanted to find an alternative. 2. Login to : Once you login ...