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Showing posts with the label Multiple Production Tenant.

Newly Added multiple Sandbox select feature

Introduction: In October 2019, Microsoft release a feature of Multiple Production Environments refer my previous Blog . Well, I'm glad to announce that this feature is also available to Sandbox  Environment. Pre-requisite: Access to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Access to Business Central Admin Center Procedure: Today, as I was logged into my client's tenant in  everything was normal until I clicked on Sandbox Dyanmics 365 Home Immediately noticing the pop for environment selection, although it says that you have multiple Production Environments select either of this. Sandbox Select I was curious as to When the hell did this happen? and that too with Sandbox Names on Production?? Did I make any mistake in configurations?? I checked the in the Admin Center to confirm and found out that these were Sandbox Environments and not Produ...

What happens when you have multiple Production Tenant in Business Central

Introduction: In this blog, how multiple Production Environment work. Prerequisites: Microsoft Dynamics Business Central Yammer subscription( to refer the yammer links ) Books & References: Demonstration / Solution: 1. Creation of multiple Production Tenant and Login: Creating a Production Environment with different Localization When system is Preparing a Production Environment When you Login in , the system asks you to select the environment to login If you use the<PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT NAME> , it directly takes you to the respective environment. 2. How licensing works for multiple Production Tenant.: As per Licensing for October 2019 which states that only One Production Tenant is available. Business Central October 2019 Licensing Guide -  Default Subscription Capacities After a conversation b...