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Showing posts with the label Permission Sets as XML

Changes in Permission Sets in Business Central

Introduction:  In this blog I will be discussing about Permission Sets as Objects and how they are different from Permission Sets in earlier versions of NAV/BC. Also, I will share some insights on my experience with Permission Sets. Pre-requisites:  Understanding of Permission Set Objects Understanding of how Permission Sets work. Books & References:  Permission Set Object Upgrade Permission Sets Demonstration:  1. Permission Set as Data: In earlier version of NAV / Business Central, the Permission Sets were stored as data. Meanwhile, you would get the Permission Sets configured as Data in your Database. Generally when you upgrade from NAV, you will get this data upgraded automatically. You  can import/export permission sets as XML files. 2. Permission Set as XML: For every PTE it is mandatory to have your own Permission Sets. We create these permission sets as XML files for Business Central PTEs. For rest of the Base Application, Microsoft had in database a...