Introduction: Now that NAV 2017 Database is upgraded to Business Central v14 (Refer link ), it's time to connect your AL Development with your Business Central environment. One of the issues with this approach is that NAV Database does not have the symbols generated. Pre- requisites : - Upgraded DB from NAV to BC - VS Code & AL Language Extension - finsql.exe - Business Central On-Premise with Windows Client Books & References: Demonstration: 1. Connect VS Code to Business Central Database: - Ensure that in Business Central Administration > Development > Enable Development Service Endpoint and Enable Debugging and Enable loading application symbol references at startup. Enable Development in Business Central Administration - Ensure that the launch.json file in your project... | Blog on Dynamics 365 Business Apps, NAV / Business Central, Power Platform and Azure is a platform to find blogs, tips and tricks, and solutions with related Microsoft Dynamics 365, Microsoft 365, Azure and Power Platform and Data Integrations between multiple systems This blog is generally going to be centered around Microsoft Business Cloud Applications