Webinar on Business Central Wave 1 2020 Technical Features Sources: https://tobiasfenster.io/interfaces-in-al-and-why-that-matters https://demiliani.com/2020/02/28/dynamics-365-business-central-2020-wave-1-price-management-with-interfaces/ Presentation: https://cloudfronts1-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/orumao_cloudfronts_com/EXRc3WFR26NFr0T7kGEpqTYBpMI5amROAOA3xMy4SBpjaQ?e=4oRc8P Features and index for the presentation described are as follows: 1. Application Enhancements Application Enhancements Slide No. Extend Price Calculation 6 List Plus Page 8 2. Modern Developer Tools Modern Developer Tools Slide No. Application for aliasing BaseApp 12 Multiple Variable Declaration...
olisterr.tech | Blog on Dynamics 365 Business Apps, NAV / Business Central, Power Platform and Azure
olisterr.tech is a platform to find blogs, tips and tricks, and solutions with related Microsoft Dynamics 365, Microsoft 365, Azure and Power Platform and Data Integrations between multiple systems This blog is generally going to be centered around Microsoft Business Cloud Applications