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Showing posts with the label Undo and Redo Quantity Posting

How to Undo and then Redo Quantity Posting on a Posted Return Shipments in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Introduction: In this blog, I will demonstrate how to Undo and then Redo Quantity Posting on a Posted Return Shipments in Microsoft Dynamics NAV / Business Central. This functionality is useful if user ship the wrong quantity or selected the wrong item for Purchase return order. Pre-requisites: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Microsoft Dynamics Business Central Demonstration: NOTE:  You cannot undo a posting if purchase credit memo is posted. 1. In the search option, enter Posted Purchase Return Shipment and then choose the related link. 2. Open the Posted Purchase Return Shipment that you want to undo. 3. Select the  Posted Purchase Return Shipment L ines that you want to undo. 4. In Lines, click on Function button and choose Undo return shipment action. 5. Choose Yes in pop up box. 6.  A corrective line inserted under the selected return shipment line. 7.  The Return Quantity Shipped  field on the related purchase order...