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Showing posts with the label Multiple Sandbox Environments

Newly Added multiple Sandbox select feature

Introduction: In October 2019, Microsoft release a feature of Multiple Production Environments refer my previous Blog . Well, I'm glad to announce that this feature is also available to Sandbox  Environment. Pre-requisite: Access to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Access to Business Central Admin Center Procedure: Today, as I was logged into my client's tenant in  everything was normal until I clicked on Sandbox Dyanmics 365 Home Immediately noticing the pop for environment selection, although it says that you have multiple Production Environments select either of this. Sandbox Select I was curious as to When the hell did this happen? and that too with Sandbox Names on Production?? Did I make any mistake in configurations?? I checked the in the Admin Center to confirm and found out that these were Sandbox Environments and not Produ...