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Showing posts from June, 2023

Resolution to Cloud Migration Error - Enable Change Tracking in DB

Introduction: While I was trying to upgrade BC14 On-Premise to BC22 Saas, I noticed the following error in Cloud Migration Setup. Business Central Cloud Migration Error " Change tracking must be enabled in the source database with a recommended retention period of at least three days" This blog provides a step-by-step guide on how to resolve this issue. To know how to setup Cloud Migration follow the link -  Cloud Migration Setup Pre-requisites: Understanding of Cloud Migration Business Central v14 On-Premise Business Central Saas Subscription Books & References: Demonstration:  1. Error scenario: While setting up the Cloud migration with BC On-premise to BC Saas, I got the error  Change tracking must be enabled in the source database with a recommended retention p...

Business Central Office Hours Calls - On Demand Recordings

What is Business Central Office Hours call? The Business Central office hours call is your opportunity to learn more and connect with the Business Central engineering team. At each call, Microsoft presents a current topic related to the development. The presentation is followed by a Q&A session, where you can get answers to general questions related to the topic. How to register for a Business Central Office Hours call? Click on the link below and register for the sessions listed. Where are the recordings for Business Central Office Hours Call? You can access the recordings by clicking on the link below. For simplicity, I have listed them below. Date Topic Link 16-05-2023 Business Central administration overview DKWC045 Business Central administration overview | Watch Now...